• 1399/04/10

اجرا نشدن کد در ترمینال :


بعد از یک دست بازی کردن بازی به اتمام می رسه و حلقه break میشه 

دستواتی رو هم که بعد از if یا elif نوشتم اجرا نمی شن

import random

print(" let's play : \"rock , paper , scissors\"")

randomNumber = random.randint(0,2)
player2 = 'rock'
if randomNumber == 0 :
    player2 = 'rock'
elif randomNumber == 1 : 
    player2 = 'paper'
elif randomNumber == 2 :
    player2 = 'scissors' 

player1_wins = 0
player2_wins = 0

player1 = 'rock'

while player1_wins < 4 and player2_wins < 4 :
    player1 = input( 'player1 make your move:').lower()
    print( f'player2 make your move: {player2}')
    if player1 == 'q' or 'quit' :
    if ( player1 == 'rock' and player2 == 'scissors' ) or ( player1 == 'paper' and player2 == 'rock' ) or ( player1 == 'scissors' and player2 == 'paper' ):
        print( 'player1 wins!...')
        player1_wins += 1
    elif ( player2 == 'rock' and player1 == 'scissors' ) or ( player2 == 'paper' and player1 == 'rock' ) or ( player2 == 'scissors' and player1 == 'paper' ):
        print( 'player2 wins!...' )
        player2_wins += 1
    elif ( player1 == player2 ): 
        print( 'that`s a tie ...')
        player1_wins += 0 
        player2_wins += 0
        print( 'there is a wrong')
print( f' Fainal rusalt is player1 : {player1_wins} and player2 : {player2_wins}')

اینطوری اجرا میشه

   let's play : "rock , paper , scissors"
 player1 make your move:rock
 player2 make your move: paper
   Fainal ruslat is player1 : 0 and player2 : 0
  • 1399/04/10
  • ساعت 17:38

سلام !

مشکل شما در این خطه

    if player1 == 'q' or 'quit' :

جمله شرطیتون اشتباهه
باید این طوری بنویسی

	if player1 == 'q' or player1 == 'quit':
